AALRR has experience in all facets of state and federal environmental and hazardous substances regulation. The firm has advised numerous public agencies on compliance measures for the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), including preparation, review, and certification/adoption of environmental impact reports, initial studies, and mitigated negative declarations. In addition to CEQA, the firm has extensive experience with specific areas of environmental regulation, including hazardous substances, clean air and water, pipeline risk, natural resources, seismic studies, and CERCLA (Superfund) enforcement. We work regularly with agencies charged with environmental oversight and enforcement, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), California Department of Toxic Substances Control (“DTSC”), and various air quality management districts. The firm regularly interacts with various other federal and state government oversight agencies, including the State and Regional Water Boards, Department of Water Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Services (“NMFS”).
- Robert E. Anslow
- Eddy R. Beltran
- Jaime L. Bowker
- David D. Boyer
- David E. Cameron
- W. Bryce Chastain
- John W. Dietrich
- Nicolle A. Falcis
- Jeffrey A. Hoskinson
- Andrew J. Hyun
- Suparna Jain
- Paul M. Loya
- Brian D. Martin
- Scott J. Sachs
- Constance J. Schwindt
- David A. Soldani
- Jonathan S. Vick
- Wendy H. Wiles
- Douglas N. Yeoman