AALRR advises and represents colleges and universities on the Clery Act, concerning both compliance and alleged violation. Recent heightened government scrutiny, increased fines, and the addition of the “Stop Campus Hazing Act” have made Clery Act compliance more complex and important than ever.
Ideally, Clery Act compliance should be part of a unified plan which satisfies the requirements of the multiple laws applicable to campus safety. Compliance with other laws, such as Title IX and Workplace Violence Prevention Plan requirements, will satisfy some of the Clery Act, but Clery’s unique requirements must be separately addressed.
AALRR provides guidance on all aspects of Clery Act compliance. AALRR provides practical advice both to comply with the law and to develop a safety system that responds to the unique needs of your campus environment. This includes complying with the 2025 “Stop Campus Hazing Act,” which requires collecting certain additional information, including it both in the reports already required under Clery and in the new additional reports, and implementing additional required policies and programs. AALRR can also assist with satisfying the separate requirements of the 2025 “California’s Stop Campus Hazing Act.”
In the event of alleged non-compliance, AALRR can respond quickly and thoroughly. In the unlikely event of further legal action, such as an appeal, AALRR can provide zealous, effective and efficient representation.