LORMAN ~ Prevailing Wage Law in California
Prevailing wage is a mandatory component of many public works projects. Unfortunately, the law often raises more questions than it answers. Who is covered by prevailing wage? How do I determine rates of pay? What paperwork do I need? How can I avoid liability and complaints? What if I need help? Let's start with this seminar.
Our experienced panel will deliver a comprehensive description and analysis of California's public works and prevailing wage requirements. Register today to learn about California's apprenticeship requirements, how to avoid consequences by complying with the prevailing wage laws, discover the interaction between Project Labor Agreements and California's prevailing wage requirements, and more! Sign up now and get practical how-to's on surviving prevailing wage predicaments in your next project.
Seminar Highlights
Determine whether a project is subject to California's prevailing wage requirements
Find out who must be paid prevailing wages and at what rate?
Adhere to complex apprenticeship requirements
Sidestep common mistakes by complying with recordkeeping requirements
Discover new legislation and its effects on your projects
Understand how the law is enforced and avoid costly penalties
Learning Objectives
You will be able to discuss the purpose of prevailing wages.
You will be able to review what is the prevailing wage rate?
You will be able to explain the California definition of "Public Works".
You will be able to identify remedies and consequences for failure to pay prevailing wages.
Who Should Attend?
This seminar is designed for attorneys, construction and project managers, owners, presidents, vice presidents, compliance officers, accountants, controllers, contractors, subcontractors, engineers and payroll professionals.
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