Breakfast Briefing ~ Hiring, Rehiring & Classifying Teachers
Each year brings new challenges for school and community college districts in establishing, maintaining, and adapting best practices for hiring teachers, rehiring laid-off workers, and classifying all certificated employees.
This briefing will explore the following issues and more:
Looking Back - To gain perspective, we will provide you with a concise look at historical developments in certificated employee classification and seniority rules.
Layoff and Temp Rehire Rights - Are you aware that released temporary teachers have rehire rights? We will briefly review the rehire rights of laid off teachers and temporary teachers.
How to Adapt - We will discuss the ramifications of the Stockton case for the classification and layoff processes. Participants will be better prepared for the changes that likely will be taking place.
Moving Forward - Districts need effective strategies for staffing classrooms this fall, possible staff reduction, and making further rehire decisions next spring. We will highlight the anticipated “hot button” issues and how to address them.
Event Contact
Keesha Clark