The Title IX Team and Process Under the 2020 Regulations (K12)
Various court rulings and legal challenges have emerged, leading to injunctions. On August 1, 2024, the USDOE released a statement stating it would enforce the 2020 Title IX Regulation at schools affected by the injunction. If your school was affected by the injunction or if you have complaints that were filed under the 2020 Title IX Regulations, you will want to attend this webinar.
Training Components
The purpose of the training is to explain the 2020 regulations and the actual procedures for processing a Title IX complaint from the intake stage through to a discipline recommendation, if any.
The scope of our training will explain the federal definition of sexual harassment, implementation of supportive measures, when to use the emergency removal process, how to properly follow the 10 parts of the grievance process, and how to avoid retaliation and violations of free speech rights. We will provide some basic templates to demonstrate how to process required notifications.
We will also discuss how these federal regulations may work with California’s sexual harassment requirements for processing sexual harassment complaints.
Title IX Injunction Update
- Lawsuits in various states were filed to enjoin the 2024 Title IX Regulations before the August 1, 2024, implementation date. The injunction specifically issued in Kansas v. United States Department of Education impacts some educational entities in California, including K-12 schools, community colleges, and universities.
- On July 2, 2024, the United States District Court for the District of Kansas granted a preliminary injunction to the plaintiffs in Kansas v. United States Department of Education, which enjoined the USDOE, the Department of Justice, and the Attorney General of the United States from “implementing, enacting, enforcing, or taking any action to enforce” the Final Rule in any of the plaintiff states, at the Oklahoma student’s school, and at any schools attended by any members of the plaintiff organizations ((i.e. Moms for Liberty, Young America’s Foundation, and Female Athletes United) or the members’ minor children. Therefore, this injunction has far-reaching impacts on Title IX enforcement and implementation, even in states that were not a party to the lawsuit because the plaintiff organizations have members and members’ minor students attending education institutions throughout the United States.
- The plaintiff organizations submitted lists of K12 school districts and post-secondary institutions that their members or member’s minor children attend, including numerous institutions in California. The USDOE is currently enjoined from “implementing, enacting, enforcing, or taking any action to enforce” the 2024 Title IX regulations against any of the educational entities included on the. The USDOE has noted that, per the Court’s order, this list may be supplemented in the future, and we advise our clients to consider this issue when implementing the new 2024 Title IX Regulations.
- On August 1, 2024, the USDOE released a statement stating it would enforce the 2020 Title IX Regulation at schools affected by the injunction.
$220 Per Person
Make checks and purchase orders payable to AALRR.
**Cancellations must be received by September 28, 2024, to receive a refund. Refunds will not be issued after this date.
This training will help demonstrate that your District or COE has not been deliberately indifferent to implementing sexual harassment complaint procedures under the Title IX regulations, and contribute to training requirement compliance
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Event Speakers
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Event Contact
Keesha Clark |