CIF Northern Section Decides Not To Postpone Football and Other Fall Sports And Will Proceed As Usual Pending County Health Officials’ Approval
Following the State CIF’s announcement on July 20, 2020, postponing fall sports until December 2020 or January 2021, the CIF Northern Section released its own statement, which can be viewed in full here.
The CIF Northern Section’s statement diverges from the State CIF’s December 2020 postponement and allows member school teams in the Northern Section only, to proceed with fall league play as soon as the member schools’ county health officers approve the commencement of youth and high school sports. However, a decision by a Northern Section member school to forego the State CIF’s December postponement and begin their seasons in the fall could result in their removal from the State CIF playoffs, which are pushed to as late as April 17, 2021. The statement also allows Northern Section member schools to compete in outside league play pending approval by county health officers to start youth and high school sports. That decision could result in teams playing other teams outside their league in another county.
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