Alex Lozada is a seasoned attorney who provides legal counsel to school districts, community college districts, and county offices of education. With an extensive background in litigation, Mr. Lozada brings a wealth of experience to his role and has successfully represented numerous educational institutions in lengthy dismissal hearings, administrative hearings, and grievance arbitrations. He also regularly represents educational institutions in civil litigation matters.
In addition to his involvement in litigation and administrative matters, Mr. Lozada also provides representation, advice, and counsel on a wide variety of issues, including employee discipline, employment discrimination and harassment, California Public Records Act compliance, and workplace violence restraining orders. He has delivered trainings regarding workplace investigations, employee discipline, and community college district compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and CalNAGPRA. He also has substantial experience conducting thorough workplace investigations. His understanding of the education sector allows him to offer strategic advice and effective defense, ensuring that his clients navigate legal challenges with confidence and compliance.
Mr. Lozada is deeply invested in the evolving role of generative AI in education and the transformative impact that it plays in enhancing students' educational opportunities. He has delivered several presentations to administrators in which he advocates for the adoption and implementation of policies that address the novel challenges that AI presents to educational institutions, especially issues relating to student privacy and ethical considerations. He emphasizes the importance of equipping educators and students with the ability to take advantage of AI's benefits while safeguarding against potential risks.